20th Annual Greensburg Thanksgiving Turkey Trot

It almost feels weird to type “20th Annual” with anything anymore — it’s so hard to keep something going for so long. But you read that correctly – this year’s event was the 20th Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Trot! While I would never want to slight anyone on the committee, I do want to point out the hard work of both Dr. Barry Bupp and Mark Sorice — two community members who have helped to pull this tremendous event off, year in and year out — thanks to both of you for all of the work that you’ve put in. The event has become a tradition amongst thousands of locals — for many, this has become a familial way to get the Thanksgiving Festivities started. For others, it’s a day out with the dog(s) and for others still it’s a way to, well, let’s say work off the night before’s effects (poison in, poison out!) No matter why you’re taking part, whether to race it, walk it or just take part on the sidewalks while cheering everybody on, it’s just a tremendous time.


gobble gobble!

copyright 2011 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Photo(s) of the Week 8

I spent the morning in the Strip District with the Crider men — if you know them you know that’s always an adventure — and I’m only referring to Roger! We had a great breakfast at Pamela’s then just spent some time walking around. Jack got to check out a monstrous tuna on the freezer tour of Wholey’s and Luke got a goose finger puppet. And in case you didn’t know it, Zamfir is no longer the master of the pan flute – Jack is!

copyright 2011 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

It’s Christmas season!

I know, I know, I know – we haven’t hit Thanksgiving yet. You’ve been to the mall and you’ve heard the tunes playing already — and if you’re like me at all, you’ve been annoyed by it. Well, I definitely was until today — because if you’re not in a better mood after checking out these pictures of the Tuccis and Gibsons, then I don’t know what will do it for you. Emma — so.darn.cute! I don’t even know what else to say!

I wish that you could see what happens to Preston when that sweater is put over his head — too funny!

‘Tis the season!

copyright 2011 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved


Senior Photos: Cody D.

I had a great time working with Cody D. He’s got his head on straight and I see big things coming, but I’m not so sure about him liking I am the Messenger — we’ve got to figure out a way to check out The Book Thief instead!

copyright 2011 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved