Nick B. – Hempfield Area high School Class of 2025

One of the great joys of working with Seniors on their Senior Images is getting to know, for even just a little bit, a group of young adults who are on the cusp of great things, and Nick fits that bill perfectly!

copyright 2024 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Cooper D. – Greensburg Salem High School Class of 2025

I had the opportunity to work with Cooper when he was a Freshman and was thoroughly impressed even then. He’s gone on to even better things since, continuing to raise funds for cancer research both on his own and now as one of our school’s Mini-THON leaders. He’s also one of the Captains of our football team, showing the respect he’s earned on this front as well. He’s one of those young men who is well-rounded and so highly thought of, and it was wonderful to work on his Senior Images with him.

copyright 2024 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved