Julia S. – Hempfield Area Class of ’23 (Part 2!)

As I said in my last post, we got interrupted by a nasty storm, so I had the opportunity to work with Julia once again, and she certainly didn’t disappoint – but that’s exactly what I expected!

And that last one? Well, it’s just a little extra special…


copyright 2022 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Julia S. – Hempfield Area Class of ’23

Because of some weather issues (meaning, it started flat out POURING before we could finish!), we didn’t quite get done, and I’m truly looking forward to continuing to work with this stunning young lady. She’s got it all together, and was incredibly easy to work with as well. And let’s just say that this one meant a little bit to me also 😉 …

copyright 2022 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Class of ’23 – Get Your Session Booked Now!

I had a tremendous week, booking 7 sessions! Don’t sleep on this – I know it seems like you’ve got all the time in the world, but trust me, slots fill quickly. Don’t lose out on prime times – call or text now to get your best possible session. I can’t wait to work with YOU!

Taylor C. Senior Session – GSHS Class of ’22

What a beautiful day we had, and Taylor was game for anything and everything. This young lady is heading big places and it’s been wonderful to see that process playing out.

copyright 2021 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved


Taylor C. Senior Session – Class of ’22

We’ve divided Taylor’s experience into two sessions, and I had a blast working with her through the first part of that this weekend. This young lady is so involved in her school and her community, looking to make both a better place. She’s a leader and genuinely desires to help those who need it. Her positive attitude is infectious, and she’s one we should all aspire to be more like!

copyright 2021 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved