Senior Photos: Parker J.

It can’t possibly have been five years ago that I had the chance to work with Parker’s older brother Riley, could it? It just doesn’t seem possible – but it’s definitely been that long. After this morning’s session, I didn’t think we were going to get this afternoon’s session in, but the weather held off and we had a great time to work together (thanks for being in charge of the weather, Parker!)

and this last one’s just for you, Riley…

copyright 2011 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Senior Photos: Jonathan G.

The weather held out for us this morning long enough to have a tremendous session with Jonathan G. It was great to get the chance to talk with Jonathan today; learning about his future plans of joining the U.S. Navy really resonated with me, today especially. Best of luck, Jonathan!

copyright 2011 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved