Dom W. – Hempfield Area Class of 2025!

I had the opportunity to work with Dom on his Senior Images today and I’m not sure he could have done a better job or been easier to work with! That’s more than you can hope for when you get your Senior Season underway, that’s for sure. This guy’s got it going on – definitely laid back, but has his priorities straight at the same time. I look forward to seeing all that he accomplishes during his Senior Year and beyond.

copyright 2024 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Alexa G. – Greensburg Salem Class of 2024

I have had the opportunity to get to know Alexa pretty well, and was truly honored when I was contacted about working with her on her Senior Images. I’ve seen what this young lady does in the classroom and in both Cross Country and Track & Field, and have always been impressed. On top of that, she has a smile that lights up a room, so these incredible images were a no-brainer!

That last one is just a friendly reminder to keep shooting – you just never know what kind of magic you’ll capture!


copyright 2023 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved 

Micah C. – Hempfield Area Class of 2024

One of the amazing benefits of this field is getting to meet so many awesome new people, and that was absolutely the case with Micah! As we worked our way around Twin Lakes, I couldn’t help but think about just how much fun this is, and how fortunate I am in this regard. Laughing with Micah and his Mom and friends makes it all worthwhile – and when your client totally rocks the session, well, that makes it even better!

copyright 2023 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Quinn H. – Hempfield Area Class of 2024!

I’m not sure that Quinn’s Senior Session could have possibly gone better. This stunning young lady certainly has her head on straight and it was a pleasure getting to know her – and did I mention that her wardrobe choices were just flat out on point???! We’ve got another session coming in the Fall, and I already can’t wait for that one as well!

copyright 2023 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Beckham D. – Mt. Lebanon High School Class of 2024

I had a great Senior Session with Beckham D., and enjoyed getting to know him at the same time. This young man has committed to the United States Air Force Academy, and there’s not a doubt in my mind that he’s heading to big things.

copyright 2023 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved