Joe G. Senior Session – Class of ’22

I mentioned with my last Senior Session post how much I enjoy getting to talk to Seniors about their future plans, and Joe was certainly no exception. This young man has big plans and we are in great hands! I look forward to him changing the world, and am confident he’s well on the way to doing it!

copyright 2021 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Ryan F. Senior Portraits – Class of 2022

One of the things that I enjoy the most about capturing Senior images is getting to know the young man or woman I’m working with, and Ryan was certainly no different. Some of the people I work with are heading into their Senior year with no clue of what they plan to do (nothing wrong with that, I firmly fit into that category way back in the day!), while others already have a plan. Ryan falls into the latter category, and it was pretty exciting to see his passion as he spoke about his desire to become a dentist. I’m certain this young man is going to work toward great things in his future!

copyright 2021 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Annie Z. Senior Portraits – Class of 2021

I’ve had the opportunity to work with Annie in many different “arenas,” and immediate words that come to mind areĀ determined, andĀ driven. it was an honor to have the chance to work with her on her Senior Portraits – and what a great day we had!

copyright 2020 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Dom M. Senior Portraits – Class of 2021!

We were hoping to get some great fall colors for Dom’s Senior Session, and Mother Nature did not disappoint! I really enjoyed working with Dom and I think his younger sister, Sofia, had a blast as well! (There’s a very real possibility that I hire her for her entertainment value alone, and that smile!!!) Dom’s great a bright future ahead of him and it was great to get to know him a little bit today!

copyright 2020 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Max H. Senior Portraits – Class of 2021

After a postponement due to some rain, we were able to get a great session in with Max – and the weather couldn’t have been better! He did a great job as well!!!

copyright 2020 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved