Nathan M. Senior Portraits – Class of 2021

I really enjoyed having the opportunity to work with Nathan today on his Senior Portraits. He did a great job, and I’m looking forward to seeing all that he accomplishes in his future!

copyright 2020 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Cade C. Senior Portraits – Class of 2021

Classy outfits, a pristine, still lake, a good looking Senior, and beautiful weather – what else could you ask for? I had a great session with Cade today at Twin Lakes – this guy is headed for big things!

copyright 2020 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Molly T. Senior Portraits – Class of 2021

I’m truly not sure that we could have had a better day than what we got as we walked around the Mexican War Streets today. And Molly is a flat out pro! This young lady was flat out fun to work with, making my job so much easier!

copyright 2020 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Bridie F. Senior Portraits – Class of 2021

As I edit images, I’m thinking about which I want to place where on these posts. Sometimes it’s easy to know which I’m going to lead with, but I’m not sure that I’ve ever had such a difficult time in choosing which one I wanted to place first! I had a tremendous day with Bridie, and I believe these are truly representative of this young lady. (Incidentally, when I asked her if she’d ever heard of Calvin and Hobbes, and she responded with an ecstatic “yes,” I knew we had to get that pic!)

copyright 2020 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Quintin G. Senior Portraits – Class of 2021

I’ve had the opportunity to see this guy grow into a hard working, driven young man, and have had a front seat to witness his athletic exploits as well. I was truly honored to work with him on his Senior Portraits earlier today. Nothing but the best, Quintin…

copyright 2020 – jcl photography & design

all rights reserved