Cooper D. – Greensburg Salem High School Class of 2025

I had the opportunity to work with Cooper when he was a Freshman and was thoroughly impressed even then. He’s gone on to even better things since, continuing to raise funds for cancer research both on his own and now as one of our school’s Mini-THON leaders. He’s also one of the Captains of our football team, showing the respect he’s earned on this front as well. He’s one of those young men who is well-rounded and so highly thought of, and it was wonderful to work on his Senior Images with him.

copyright 2024 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Owen G. – Greensburg Salem Class of 2025!

I’ve gotten to know Owen a little bit over the past week, and I can tell you this: he’s got his priorities straight. Having the opportunity to work with him on his Senior Images, I saw this driven home even more. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for this young man!

copyright 2024 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Luke S. – Hempfield Area High School Class of 2025

I’ve known Luke since he was born – and I can assure you that this wasn’t lost on me during his Senior Session. Having the opportunity to see him become the wonderful young man that he is has been incredible, and I don’t say that lightly. Beyond that sentimental stuff, he also did a wonderful job during his session!

copyright 2024 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Tatum S. – Hempfield Area High School Class of ’25

It becomes so repetitive, pointing out how special it is to work with each client, but it’s not something I take for granted. And trust me when I tell you that I enjoyed every second of Tatum’s Senior Session. I’ve known her for some time, and have had the privilege of seeing her grow into such a caring, understanding young lady. This one was quite special for me.

copyright 2024 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved

Allie D. – Hempfield Area High School Class of 2025

Allie simply crushed this session, and I couldn’t be happier – she had some incredible ideas and I truly believe that her personality came out. She’s got a bright future, and I look forward to seeing what’s in store for her!

copyright 2024 jcl photography & design

all rights reserved